all articles
- Tweaking Android Notifications
- How to organise XML resources
- Where Android Market stores the downloaded .apk
- Small devices are ignored
- Remove the stock apps
- A paper backup for your private key
- My favorite tools I want to tell the world about
- Install LineageOS with Google Services and root
- Displaying your tweets on your Drupal blog
- AddThis for Drupal
- Migrating from Drupal to Jekyll
- Bypassing GitHub's Jekyll limitations
- HttpClient 3.x : a portable SSL Socket Factory implementation
- A paper backup for your private key
- Building PyCrypto for Win32
- Migrating from Drupal to Jekyll
- Bypassing GitHub's Jekyll limitations
- Speed up your automated Docker builds with GitHub Actions
#github actions
- HttpClient 3.x : a portable SSL Socket Factory implementation
- A paper backup for your private key
- Scaffolding the Web 2.0
- SimpleDateFormat versus xsd:dateTime
- Unicode essentials for Java
#media queries
#raspberry pi
- A paper backup for your private key
- A nice multi-factor setup for SSH
- I got bored of Google reading my emails
#self hosting
#Series : Make a Raspberry Pi a Bluetooth speaker
#smart home
- Displaying your tweets on your Drupal blog
- AddThis for Drupal
- My favorite tools I want to tell the world about
- Migrating from Subversion to Mercurial
- Pinned PortableApps on Windows 7
- My favorite tools I want to tell the world about
#web design
- Displaying your tweets on your Drupal blog
- Scaffolding the Web 2.0
- Sass is a CSS compiler
- Migrating from Drupal to Jekyll