Why Docker is not working out-of-the-box on Raspberry Pi 3 & 4
Docker is a virtualization technology, made to allow applications to be independent from the underlying system. However because it is not a full-fledge virtual machine but rather a proxy to system resources leveraging on Linux kernel’s virtualization features, it does not provide a total independance from the system’s CPU architecture.
This is a problem with Raspberry Pi because most of the Docker images around are built for amd64 architectures (x86 64 bits) and therefore will not run as-is on a RPi, which is armhf.
There are some registries providing Raspberry Pi Docker images (e.g. linuxserver.io) but there are not plenty. For instance, you will not find an XMPP server (ejabberd or Prosody) image on linuxserver.io.
For instance, try to run OpenEats (which provides a user-friendly script that pulls then runs a few docker images using docker-compose), on a Raspberry Pi :
Pulling db (mariadb:5.5.64)...
5.5.64: Pulling from library/mariadb
ERROR: no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries
And when you managed to run it by replacing the mariadb image with linuxserver/mariabdb :
standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
Very frustrating…
https://hub.docker.com/u/balenalib/ : images balena.io (ex resin.io), surtout des images de base ?
Raspberry Pi 3 & 4 CPU architecture
Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 have a 64 bits CPU (ARM v8) but there is no official OS with 64 bits support.
For instance the default Raspbian flavor is based on Debian armhf, which has a 32 bits kernel enhanced with Hardware Floating point (‘hf’ in ‘armhf’) support. When running cat /proc/cpuinfo
on a RPi 4 you get armv71
and BCM2835
, where you should get armv8
and BCM2711
, according to the specs. Therefore I assume this is because the BMC2835 driver is used, with armhf kernel supporting only for armv71.
Fortunately it seems that recent versions can be tweaked to enable 64 bits support :
https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/550#issuecomment-536453126 :
Recent kernel releases include a trial 64-bit build. It hasn’t made its way into the Raspbian kernel package yet, but you can install using
sudo rpi-update
. You will need to addarm_64bit=1
to config.txt because the firmware prefers the 32-bit build.A 64-bit userland is not currently planned.
Questions :
- what is the level of compatibility of this 64 bits flavor ?
- would the effort to get a full 64 bits OS be worth it on the RPi ?
So what ?
There are two alternatives I can think of :
Only run 32 bits images. As I understand this means running armhf/arm32v7 images : this does not solve my problem because those images are not widely seen on the net. I would have to build my own images, which sometimes can become cumbersome because of build dependencies not compiled for the host OS (Raspbian).
Use a 64 bits OS. This is risky as it may not be stable and many applications / libraries may not work yet. Docker would probably work since it mainly needs the kernel but that might mean running applications only as Docker containers, which is sometimes a lot of work…
Multi-arch images
It is possible to build images for several architectures with Docker Desktop, which is bundled with OS-dependent hypervisors and LinuxKit, which can run binaries of any supported architectures.
Unfortunately, Docker Desktop is only available for Mac OS and Windows, not for Ubuntu… But it can be enabled :
buildx comes bundled with Docker CE starting with 19.03, but requires experimental mode to be enabled on the Docker CLI. To enable it, “experimental”: “enabled” can be added to the CLI configuration file ~/.docker/config.json. An alternative is to set the DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled environment variable.