This blog talks about computer technology. The old version can still be viewed at but will be deleted one day, since all new work is now made here.

You can find more work from me at or


You can contact me at or or leave a comment at the end of this page.

You can contact me more privately from or by using my PGP key with your favorite tool.

I’ve published assertions at so you can verify my identities above.

Making of

This site is built with Jekyll and published via Github Pages.

You can look at its source at and the following articles talk about the site’s construction : Migrating from Drupal to Jekyll and Bypassing GitHub’s Jekyll limitations.

Its theme is based on nandomoreirame’s “simplest” theme.

The code for estimating and displaying the time to read an article comes from and

The mastodon widget on the front page is from mastodon-timeline-widget.

The tags page has been possible thanks to this blog article.

jekyll-plantuml is used to generate inline PlantUML diagrams. It has been slightly modified to fit my needs.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

More details as well as acknowledgments for third-party assets can be found in LICENSE.

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We do not collect any information, but GitHub may collect User Personal Information from visitors, including logs of visitor IP addresses, to comply with legal obligations, and to maintain the security and integrity of the Website and the Service.